FGZ Bielefeld
This Ain’t No Place for No Hero: Prevalence and Correlates of Representations of Victims, Helpers, and Perpetrators During the Time of National Socialism in German Families
Jonas Rees, Michael Papendick & Andreas Zick
14. Januar 2021
In: Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology 15
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FGZ Bielefeld
‘Like a family tree’? Memories of ’68 in the German anti-austerity movement Blockupy
Priska Daphi & Jens Zimmermann
01. Januar 2021
In: Social Movement Studies 20, Nr. 1: 93–114
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FGZ Bielefeld
›Nation‹ Revisited: Geschichte und Gegenwart eines ambivalenten Konzepts
Maria Alexopoulou
06. November 2020
In: Beiträge zur Popularmusikforschung, hg. von Ralf Von Appen und Thorsten Hindrichs, 31–48. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag
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FGZ Bielefeld
Not a Given Object. What Historians can Learn from the Reflexive Turn in Migration Studies
Isabella Löhr und Christiane Reinecke
27. Oktober 2020
Migrant Knowledge
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FGZ Bielefeld
The Need for Household Panel Surveys in Times of Crisis: The Case of SOEP-CoV
Simon Kühne, Martin Kroh, Stefan Liebig & Sabine Zinn
02. Juni 2020
In: Survey Research Methods: 195-203
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FGZ Bielefeld
ASPHER statement on racism and health: racism and discrimination obstruct public health’s pursuit of health equity
Nurcan Akbulut, Naomi Limaro, Lisa Wandschneider, Rhanjeet Dhonkal, Nadav Davidovitch, John Middleton und Oliver Razum
05. Mai 2020
In: International Journal of Public Health 65, Nr. 6: 727–729
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