FGZ Berlin
Ignoring Racism in the History of the German Immigration Society: Some Reflections on Comparison as an Epistemic Practice
Maria Alexopoulou
29. November 2021
In: Journal for the History of Knowledge 2, Nr. 1: 7
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FGZ Berlin
Anti-Muslim Racism, Post-Migration, and Holocaust Memory: Contours of Antisemitism in Germany Today
Arnold, Sina
01. August 2021
Social Research: An International Quarterly 88, Nr. 4: 867–893.
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FGZ Berlin
Aufklärungs- und Bildungsarbeit gegen Antiziganismus. Einblicke in das Projekt „Kompetent gegen Antiziganismus – in Geschichte und Gegenwart
Tobias Neuburger, Bernd Grafe-Ulke & Daniel Tonn
10. April 2018
In: Bürger & Staat 68, Nr. 1: 85–93
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