Spain’s Vox and the “Climate Culture Wars”: The Role of Political Influencers on YouTube
Climate change is emerging as a central battleground in the culture wars, with YouTube as one of its key arenas. This chapter focuses on the “Alternative Influence Network” (Lewis, 2018) surrounding Spain’s right-wing populist party Vox, exploring how YouTube political influencers spread climate misinformation. Thematic analysis reveals a trend towards “post-denial” narratives that critique climate policy and the environmental movement, often through conspiracy theories and misogynistic undertones. These narratives intertwine with broader cultural conflicts, spanning from feminism and anti-racism to environmentalism. Amidst escalating opposition to green policies, the study sheds light on how these climate narratives deepen “us” versus “them” divides and conjure up feelings of resentment among young white males who see rapid cultural changes as threats to their traditional dominance and privilege. However, it also identifies potential common ground around shared environmental values and benefits like clean air.
de Nadal, Lluis. 2024. Spain’s Vox and the “Climate Culture Wars”: The Role of Political Influencers on YouTube. In: Contested Climate Justice – Challenged Democracy: Perspectives from Countries of the Global South and North, hg. von Noah Marschner, Christoph Richter, Janine Patz und Axel Salheiser, 193–206. 1. Auflage. Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt 9. Frankfurt: Campus, 18.09.2024. url: