Aktuelle Nachrichten
In Germany, debate rages over a state policy to support Israel, no matter what
05. Dezember 2023
Artikel mit Beitrag von Dr. Sina Arnold (FGZ Berlin): As Gaza is bombarded by Israeli forces, a polemic is raging in Germany over a state policy that makes criticism of Israel blasphemous because it’s seen as antisemitic.
» Externer LinkStreitkultur: „Jedes Thema ist entzündlich“
24. August 2023
Videobeitrag mit Prof. Dr. Andreas Zick (FGZ Bielefeld) | ZDF-Morgenmagazin | „Demokratien sind Konfliktgebilde, wir müssen uns streiten, um dann eine gute Lösung zu finden“, so Prof. Andreas Zick, Konfliktforscher, Konflikte seien heute aber kaum noch konstruktiv, „da versucht sich eine Partei gegen die andere durchzusetzen“.
» Externer Link![Transnational Political Mobilization in Turkey Elections - Image Transnational Political Mobilization in Turkey Elections - Image](https://fgz-risc.de/fileadmin/_processed_/0/2/csm_FzJdj6FWwAAXxPV_9fb0dcc14b.jpg)
Transnational Political Mobilization in Turkey Elections
The presidential elections in the 100th year of the Republic of Turkey continue to be discussed in Turkey and Europe, especially in countries where postmigrants vote. From the perspective of peace and conflict studies, the electoral process corresponds to a time when, on the one…
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Between Solidarity and Racism – Ukrainian Roma*-Refugees in Europe
Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, millions of people are fleeing from the war. In contrast to other – past and present – refugee movements, the access of Ukrainian refugees to the European Union is considerably facilitated. Nevertheless, many Roma refugees report…
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