
FGZ Leipzig
Religiosity, non-denominationalism, and their political consequences in East and West Germany after the upheaval of 1989
Gert Pickel and Susanne Pickel
29. März 2024
In: Thirty years after the Berlin Wall: German unification and transformation research, hg. von Ayline Heller und Peter Schmidt, 153–178. Routledge advances in sociology. London: Routledge
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FGZ Leipzig
The Varying Challenge of Islamophobia for the EU: On Anti-Muslim Resentments and Its Dividend for Right-Wing Populists and Eurosceptics – Central and Eastern Europe in a Comparative Perspective
Gert Pickel & Cemal Öztürk
10. Mai 2021
In: Illiberal Trends and Anti-EU Politics in East Central Europe, hg. von Astrid Lorenz und Lisa H. Anders, 57–80. Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics. Cham: Springer International Publishing
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FGZ Leipzig
Islamophobia and anti-Muslim feeling in Saxony – theoretical approaches and empirical findings based on population surveys
Alexander Yendell & Gert Pickel
02. Januar 2020
In: Journal of Contemporary European Studies 28, Nr. 1: 85–99
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