Based at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, the Halle Section is dedicated to the actions that create social cohesion.
At the RISC section Halle, regional worlds of experience are the focus of interest. We regard social cohesion to be a feeling in a society characterised by its level of trust, sense of belonging and expectations of collective efficacy. Disruptions such as the experience of unequal living conditions can lead to cohesion crises. Thus in Halle we will build on these experiences with its projects. Among other things, a comprehensive regional panel compares how an Increase in migration affects the relative feelings of disadvantage of those who stay.
Actions that generate Cohesion
Another focus lies on the experience of efficacy in the regional working and living environment. Particular attention is also paid to the subjective perception of socio-spatial contexts, which are surveyed in their social cultural manifestations and potentials. Cohesion is created through actions, e.g. self-managing coordinating actions. A second research line at RISC Halle will therefore use transfer studies to examine whether exemplary innovations in infrastructure cooperatives, civic education and intermediary organisations can promote positive forms of social cohesion.
Research Projects
All research projects at the Halle site can be found here.