Sustainable Work and Social Cohesion

Historische Sternwarte
Göttingen & Online
Prof. Dr. Bénédicte Zimmermann (Paris) ist zu Gast in der Kolloquiumsreihe „Arbeit und Zusammenhalt” des FGZ Göttingen.

Since Durkheim, sociologists have (re)affirmed the role of work as a founding element of social cohesion, a source of integration and social affiliation. Focusing on the economic, social, political and moral dimensions of work, their analyses have left out the ecological dimension. The climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity coupled with the transformations of labour induced by digital capitalism, however urges us to address the ecological and social sustainability of work within a same framework. What does such a shift involve for addressing social cohesion? How does concern for the ecological sustainability of work challenge conventional approaches to work and social cohesion? To address this issue, Bénédicte Zimmermann will first map out the conceptual and normative landscape of sustainable work, as reflected in academic production and international policy grey literature, before asking for the implications involved for the social cohesion research agenda.

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Meeting-ID: 655 4964 3488, Kenncode: 289753

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Sustainable Work and Social Cohesion


Wandel der Erwerbsarbeit und gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt. Befunde der Arbeitsforschung im Lichte einer Grundkategorie des Sozialen
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