Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jan Vogler
Projektleiter in der InRa-Studie "Institutionen & Rassismus"
Jan Vogler is an assistant professor (Juniorprofessor) in quantitative social science at the Department of Politics and Public Administration. He previously held the position of a post-doctoral research associate in the political economy of good government at the University of Virginia; and, prior to that, he received a Ph.D. in political science from Duke University. His research covers a wide range of topics, including the organization of public bureaucracies, various forms of political and economic competition (in domestic and international settings), historical legacies, structures and perceptions of the EU, and the determinants of democracy and authoritarianism.
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Vorurteile und Stereotypisierungen in den Jobcentern? Leistungen der Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende nach dem SGB II
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