
FGZ Leipzig
Religion, Vorurteile und Rechtsextremismus – kommt zusammen, was nicht zusammengehört?
Verena Schneider, Gert Pickel & Cemal Öztürk
30. September 2021
In: Gesellschaft unter Spannung 40
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FGZ Leipzig
Blaming immigrants to enhance control: Exploring the control‐bolstering functions of causal attribution, in‐group identification, and hierarchy enhancement
Magdalena Hirsch, Susanne Veit und Immo Fritsche
18. Mai 2021
In: Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology 5, Nr. 2: 114–131
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FGZ Leipzig
The Varying Challenge of Islamophobia for the EU: On Anti-Muslim Resentments and Its Dividend for Right-Wing Populists and Eurosceptics – Central and Eastern Europe in a Comparative Perspective
Gert Pickel & Cemal Öztürk
10. Mai 2021
In: Illiberal Trends and Anti-EU Politics in East Central Europe, hg. von Astrid Lorenz und Lisa H. Anders, 57–80. Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics. Cham: Springer International Publishing
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