Zusammenhalts-Regionen – zur Theorie der Weltgesellschaft in der Sozialgeographie
In: Geographica Helvetica, 76(4), 449–454.
Abstract. The essay combines the concept of social cohesion with Rudolf Stichweh’s system-theoretical concept of world society. These two approaches are joint hereafter with questions of spatial differentiation. The aim is to embed empirical micro-studies in macro-theoretical terms and to make them useful for empirical research in social geography. The construct of “cohesive region” demonstrates this by using the example of neighbourhoods.
- gh-76-449-2021.pdf 311 KB
Dirksmeier, Peter und Angelina Göb. 2021. Zusammenhalts-Regionen – zur Theorie der Weltgesellschaft in der Sozialgeographie. In: Geographica Helvetica 76, Nr. 4: 449–454. doi: 10.5194/gh-76-449-2021.