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Zusammenhalts-Regionen – zur Theorie der Weltgesellschaft in der Sozialgeographie

In: Geographica Helvetica, 76(4), 449–454.


Peter Dirksmeier & Angelina Göb


Abstract. The essay combines the concept of social cohesion with Rudolf Stichweh’s system-theoretical concept of world society. These two approaches are joint hereafter with questions of spatial differentiation. The aim is to embed empirical micro-studies in macro-theoretical terms and to make them useful for empirical research in social geography. The construct of “cohesive region” demonstrates this by using the example of neighbourhoods.



Dirksmeier, Peter und Angelina Göb. 2021. Zusammenhalts-Regionen – zur Theorie der Weltgesellschaft in der Sozialgeographie. In: Geographica Helvetica 76, Nr. 4: 449–454. doi: 10.5194/gh-76-449-2021.

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