Mental Disorders in the Context of Marginalization Dynamics
Mental disorders are associated with multiple and frequently occurring marginalization dynamics. At an individual level, people with mental disorders repeatedly experience social, economic, and political exclusions. At a societal level, marginalization dynamics pose a threat to social and societal cohesion. This contribution discusses the important but relatively underreported role of mental disorders with respect to dynamics of marginalization, multiple disadvantage, and intersectionality, and the relevance of considering mental disorders constantly in these research areas.
Schmidt, Philipp. 2024. Mental Disorders in the Context of Marginalization Dynamics. In: Intersectional Challenges to Cohesion? On Marginalization in an Inclusive Society, hg. von Yudit Namer, Anne Stöcker, Amani Ashour, Janine Dieckmann, Philipp Schmidt und Carmen Zurbriggen, 53–64. 1. Aufl. Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt 7. Frankfurt: Campus, 19.06.2024. url: