
Der strukturelle Saldo: Eine ambivalente europäische Geschichte
Thomas Lenk und Christian Bender
08. Juni 2021
In: Schriften zur öffentlichen Verwaltung und öffentlichen Wirtschaft, hg. von Prof. Dr. Martin Junkernheinrich, Prof. Dr. Stefan Korioth, Prof. Dr. Thomas Lenk, Dr. Henrik Scheller und Dr. Matthias Woisin. , 387–399. Berliner…
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The Varying Challenge of Islamophobia for the EU: On Anti-Muslim Resentments and Its Dividend for Right-Wing Populists and Eurosceptics – Central and Eastern Europe in a Comparative Perspective
Gert Pickel & Cemal Öztürk
10. Mai 2021
In: Illiberal Trends and Anti-EU Politics in East Central Europe, hg. von Astrid Lorenz und Lisa H. Anders, 57–80. Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics. Cham: Springer International Publishing
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Relationality and linked lives during transitions to parenthood in Europe: an analysis of institutionally framed work-care divisions
Daniela Grunow und Marie Evertsson
10. März 2021
In: Families, Relationships and Societies 10, Nr. 1: 99–118
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Concepts of Democracy
Pritam Baruah und Uwe Volkmann
18. Februar 2021
In: Democratic Constitutionalism in India and the European Union, hg. von Philipp Dann und Arun K. Thiruvengadam. , 43–74. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
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Is There an East–West Divide over European Solidarity? Comparing European Citizens’ Attitudes Towards Cross-Border Solidarity 2016
Florian Kley und Holger Lengfeld
14. Februar 2021
In: Illiberal Trends and Anti-EU Politics in East Central Europe, hg. von Astrid Lorenz und Lisa H. Anders. , 81–108. Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics. Cham: Springer International Publishing
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