
FGZ Halle
Politische Teilhabe und soziale Ungleichheit
Jakob Hartl
20. Januar 2023
In: Aktuelle Ungleichheitsforschung. Befunde – Theorien – Praxis, hg. von Cornelia Dlabaja, Karina Fernandez und Julia Hofmann. , 44–56. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa
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FGZ Bielefeld
Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Research Meets Household Panel Surveys: Research Potentials of the German Socio-Economic Panel and Its Boost Sample of SGM Households
Mirjam M Fischer, Martin Kroh, Lisa De Vries, David Kasprowski, Simon Kühne, David Richter und Zaza Zindel. 2021. Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Research Meets Household Panel Surveys: Research Potentials of the German Socio-Economic Panel and Its Boost Sample of SGM Households. In: European Sociological Review 38, Nr. 2: 321–335. doi: 10.1093/esr/jcab050.
18. Oktober 2022
In: European Sociological Review 38, Nr. 2: 321–335
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