LEI_F_14 Die neue Affinität zu Putins Russland in Ostmitteleuropa
06 / 2020 – 05 / 2024:
- Cluster 3: Historische, globale und regionale Varianz des Zusammenhalts
- C3: Populistische Bewegungen und Regime im globalen Vergleich
Post-Imperial and Post-Socialist Legacies in Today’s Populisms in Central and Eastern Europe
It is a pleasure to invite you to submit contributions to the conference “Post-Imperial and Post-Socialist Legacies in Today´s Populism in Central and Eastern Europe”. The conference is organized by the Research Institute Social Cohesion (FGZ) and the Leibniz Institute for History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO). It will take place in Leipzig on June 15th to 17th, 2022. The deadline for abstracts is March 13th.
10:00 - 15:15 Online
Post-Imperial and Post-Socialist Legacies in today’s populisms in Eastern Europe
The exploratory workshop „Post-Imperial and Post-Socialist Legacies in today’s populisms in Eastern Europe“ is intended to analyse today’s populisms in an interdisciplinary perspective by focusing on two guiding questions:
1. Do the post-imperial and post-socialist legacies play a role in contemporary populisms? And 2. Can the differences between country-specific populisms be traced back to the (different) experiences of the imperial and socialist times and the subsequent transformation phases? Or do the imperial and socialist past no longer play a role in today’s populist discourse?