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“Let Us Stop the Crazy Deal”: Environmentalism and the Green Deal in the Discourse of the Czech Populist Right-Wing and Far-Right Parties

In: Contested Climate Justice – Challenged Democracy: International Perspectives, hg. von Noah Marschner, Christoph Richter, Janine Patz und Axel Salheiser. , 179–192. Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt 9. Frankfurt: Campus


Tarant Zbyněk


“Let Us Stop the Crazy Deal”: Environmentalism and the Green Deal in the Discourse of the Czech Populist Right-Wing and Far-Right Parties

The chapter analyzes how right-wing populist (SPD, Trikolora) and far-right milieus (neo-Nazis, neo-Fascists) discuss the environment, global climate change, sustainability, and the Green Deal. Primary sources, namely online content produced by the movements themselves are used to uncover the difference between localist environmentalism at the national level and the refusal to acknowledge the global, transnational threats to sustainable living. This will be documented by analyzing their reactions to global climate change policies and the Green New Deal. The chapter also touches on the conspiracy narratives within the far-right in response to international sustainability initiatives, like the Green New Deal.


Zbyněk, Tarant. 2024. “Let Us Stop the Crazy Deal”: Environmentalism and the Green Deal in the Discourse of the Czech Populist Right-Wing and Far-Right Parties. In: Contested Climate Justice – Challenged Democracy: International Perspectives, hg. von Noah Marschner, Christoph Richter, Janine Patz und Axel Salheiser, 179–192. 1. Auflage. Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt 9. Frankfurt: Campus, 18.09.2024. url:

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