
In: Research handbook on European Union citizenship law and policy: navigating challenges and crises, hg. von Theodora Kostakopoulou und Daniel Thym. , 1–11. Research handbooks in European law. Cheltenham, Gloucestershire ; Northampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing


Daniel Thym


This Research Handbook provides a panoramic guide to the study and research of EU citizenship and its development within a challenging environment characterised by restrictive access to social benefits, Brexit, Euroscepticism and Covid-19. It combines theoretical perspectives with analyses of both the existing and future rights, duties and social protection that EU citizens ought to enjoy in a democratic and principled European Union.


Thym, Daniel. 2022. Introduction. In: Research handbook on European Union citizenship law and policy: navigating challenges and crises, hg. von Theodora Kostakopoulou und Daniel Thym, 1–11. Research handbooks in European law. Cheltenham, Gloucestershire ; Northampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022. url:

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