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Good Enoughing. Care and Compromise in Corporate Software Work


Bischofsvilla, Otto-Adam-Straße 5, 78467 Konstanz
Konstanz & Online
ZKF Public Talk zu Corporate Software Work in Kooperation mit dem FGZ

Situated between science and technology studies, software studies, and ethnographic inquiry, in this lecture, Prof. Bialski will take the audience on a journey describing neither the tech giant or the flashy startup, but the run-of-the-mill Middletech: a place where software is built to be just “good enough” to function and workers create and sustain a complex culture of good enoughness. In examining the materiality of software in shaping the organization of software work, Bialski will show how software’s technical constraints – such as bugs or legacy code – impacts daily workflows, decision-making processes, and power dynamics among software engineers.

Vortragende Person: 
Prof. Dr. Paula Bialski (Universität St. Gallen)

Benjamin Schäfer

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