Aktuelle Nachrichten

Bedingungen, Gefährdungen und Varianten von gesellschaftlichem Zusammenhalt
Der Begriff des „gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts“ ist in aller Munde. Konflikte, Krisen und Ungleichheiten erscheinen als Gefahren für den Zusammenhalt, politische Programme formulieren einhellig das Ziel seiner Stärkung. Doch was ist eigentlich genau mit „gesellschaftlichem…
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Populism and Democracy - A Contradiction?
Programm: June 1, 2023 14:30 Welcome and Introduction (R. Forst) 14:45 Dirk Jörke (TU Darmstadt): “Why Political Education Cannot Cure the Alleged Disease of Populism” 16:00 Break 16:15 John McCormick (Univ. of Chicago): “The Implications for Populism and Democracy of…
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Post-Imperial and Post-Socialist Legacies in Today’s Populisms in Central and Eastern Europe
Populism has become a supra-national phenomenon leading researchers to re-evaluate the positioning of national societies and regions today. The varieties of populism that can be observed in Central and Eastern Europe tend to re-establish societies with a strong emphasis on…
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Post-Imperial and Post-Socialist Legacies in today’s populisms in Eastern Europe
In line with the GWZO Leitthema, "Cultural change and social order", the workshop examines the changes in political cultures and structures in East Central Europe against the background of transregional upheavals and developments in politics and society. The workshop focuses on…
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